Apple tampaknya akan meningkatan integrasi antara iOS 15 dengan AirPods Pro atau AirPods Max.
Pasalnya menurut laporan dari 9to5Mac, AirPods akan terhubung dengan akun Apple ID di iOS 15, jadi pengguna bisa memanfaatkan fitur Precision Finding untuk mengetahui lokasi AirPods — meskipun pada saat AirPods tidak terhubung dengan iPhone.
Sama seperti AirTag, pengguna bisa menemukan lokasi AirPods dimana saja dengan menggunakan Bluetooth.
Similar to AirTags, iOS 15 will use Bluetooth technology to precisely locate AirPods when you’re near them but don’t know exactly where the earphones are located. This feature will be available for both AirPods Pro and AirPods Max and will also show the current AirPods location on the map even when they’re not connected to your iPhone or iPad.
To achieve this, the AirPods will finally be tied to your Apple ID. As spotted by 9to5Mac in the iOS 15 internal code, lost AirPods will continue to send their location to the owner through the Find My Network even if someone else connects them to another device.
Diperlu diingatkan, bahwa fitur ini nantinya hanya bekerja pada AirPods Pro dan AirPods Max saja. Jadi AirPods biasa tidak bisa menggunakan fitur ini.