Jika kamu merasa baterai iPhone cepat habis ketika membuka Spotify, maka kamu tidak sendirian. Pasalnya, beberapa pengguna lainnya juga melaporkan hal yang sama.
Berdasarkan postingan dari beberapa pengguna Reddit dan forum Spotify, beberapa orang melaporkan konsumsi baterai yang tidak biasa ketika menggunakan Spotify.
Decided to switch over to Spotify for the past month and I am listening to music on average 3 hours per day, which is the same as I did with Apple Music. Only difference being that by 4-5pm my iPhone is hitting 20% battery remaining where as when I was using Apple Music, I’d only get 20% battery warning later at night around 8-9pm.
Menanggapi hal tersebut Spotify melalui 9to5mac, mengakui masalah tersebut da sedang mencari solusinya.
Thanks for your reports about battery drainage while updating from iOS 14.8 to .15 on both firmware versions during the past days.
We’ve passed your info on to the relevant team and we can confirm they are currently looking into it. If you’re experiencing this issue, make sure to click +VOTE and Subscribe to the thread to be notified of any developments.
Untuk sementara, Spotify menyarankan pengguna untuk mematikan Background App Refresh pada aplikasi untuk mencegah konsumsi baterai yang berlebihan.