Sebulan setelah pertama kali diluncurkan, Apple hari ini merilis update untuk pengguna Vision Pro dengan membawa versi sistem operasi ke visionOS 1.1. Update ini dirilis setelah pengembangan yang dilakukan sejak awal Februari.
Mengenai fitur yang dibawa, visionOS 1.1 membawa beberapa fitur baru seperti opsi reset passcode, iMessage Contact Key Verification, dan peningkatan tampilan Personas. Selain itu, juga terdapat perbaikan dan peningkatan terhadap sistem. Berikut changelog dari Apple mengenai update ini:
Mobile Device Management
- Enables account-driven device and user enrollment using Managed Apple IDs
- Support for device configuration (Wi-Fi, VPN, email accounts, single sign-on, and more)
- Support for deploying apps in volume including iPhone and iPad compatible apps, visionOS apps included in a Universal purchase, and proprietary in-house visionOS apps
- Support for remote erase via MDM and device inventory data
- Adds support for iMessage Contact Key Verification
- Closed captions can be anchored to the playback control while viewing Apple Immersive Video
Persona (beta) and EyeSight
- Adds an option to enroll your Persona hands-free
- Improves hair and makeup appearance
- Improves neck and mouth representation
- Improves rendering of the eyes for EyeSight
Virtual keyboard
- Cursor positioning for text input is now more accurate
- Resolves some instances where the virtual keyboard placement obscures the text input field
- Fixes an issue where in some cases, the text preview on the virtual keyboard may appear out of sync with the text field in the app
- Fixes an issue where the edit menu may appear unexpectedly
Mac Virtual Display
- Improves the reliability of discovering and connecting to a Mac using Mac Virtual Display
- Resolves an issue where Universal Control may stop working
- Addresses a connectivity issue that occurs when a previously paired Bluetooth device cannot be found
Captive Network Support
- Ability to set up your device while using a captive WiFi network such as those found at hotels, cafes and airports
Pengguna Vision Pro bisa mendapatkan update ini dengan cara mengunjungi Settings > General > Software Update.