Sebelumnya Apple memutuskan untuk menghilangkan opsi menyematkan website ke Home Screen melalui update iOS 17.4. Namun hal tersebut mendapat banyak kritikan, salah satunya dari organisasi Open Web Advocacy yang membuat petisi terhadap keputusan Apple ini.
Tampaknya petisi tersebut mendapat respon, melalui halaman resmi mereka, Apple tampaknya menarik kembali keputusan tersebut.
Previously, Apple announced plans to remove the Home Screen web apps capability in the EU as part of our efforts to comply with the DMA. The need to remove the capability was informed by the complex security and privacy concerns associated with web apps to support alternative browser engines that would require building a new integration architecture that does not currently exist in iOS.
We have received requests to continue to offer support for Home Screen web apps in iOS, therefore we will continue to offer the existing Home Screen web apps capability in the EU. This support means Home Screen web apps continue to be built directly on WebKit and its security architecture, and align with the security and privacy model for native apps on iOS.
Developers and users who may have been impacted by the removal of Home Screen web apps in the beta release of iOS in the EU can expect the return of the existing functionality for Home Screen web apps with the availability of iOS 17.4 in early March.
Apple sejauh ini memang masih melakukan penyesuaian aplikasi dan layanan mereka terhadap kebijakan baru di Uni Eropa. Masih terdapat beberapa hari lagi sebelum deadline tanggal 6 Maret.